Process Space

The two fields of music and data share striking similarities. They both rely on a precise system of symbols through which they can accurately convey information. Just as notes and scores in music correspond to records and characters in data, performers, and listeners are like recorders and observers in the realm of data. For me, stages and instruments are like facts and observations in the world of data. However, I am not saying that music and data are exactly the same system. Music is more like another way of storing data in a particular way (recording notes, interpreting notes, playing notes). I want to revisit music from a data perspective as a representation of data, not just a way to record and play notes. I want to break away from this way of storing data and create infinite possibilities between data and music.

Process is an online space centred around the transformation of data into music. Here you can transform data into sound and music through algorithms, artificial intelligence or visualisation and have the opportunity to showcase your work. However, Process' philosophy is not limited to data. We are committed to the possibility of transforming everything into music. We are willing to challenge traditional music systems and ideas and push the boundaries of music. Imagine how music would be presented if sheet music could be a string of numbers, a painting, a photograph, a sculpture, an ambiguous relationship, an immature concept?

I invite you to join me in this space, to explore the infinite possibilities between data and music, and to redefine the way music is created together. process will be a place for your creativity to flourish, and we welcome you to join us, whether you are a professional artist or a novice with a keen interest in data music.

Let's discover and create together, so that music can transcend tradition and become a broader language, transforming everything into musical expression.