How to do it?

Simply translated data into what you think sounds perfect. Here are a few examples, some of which are not translations of the sequence, but can give you some inspiration.

1.Define rules to convert numbers and characters directly into sounds.

In this example I've turned the sound of a printer running into a musical instrument, and I've looked at the receipt as a musical score.

I split the sound of a printed receipt into small segments representing different letters of the alphabet, and symbols.

The notes are arranged according to the letters on the receipt, and the gaps in the music are arranged according to the spaces between the letters.

2. Categorising data into charts and translation through charts into sound

In this example there is no uniqueness in the sound, I could have chosen any instrument to create. In the video I chose the piano as the instrument and the ups and downs of the chart are the ups and downs of the music. But here an orchestral instrument could have been chosen to more closely match the continuation of the curve.

It was mentioned above that there is no uniqueness in the sound that corresponds to the curve. Or that using only one sound to express a curve makes the whole translation a bit boring (personal opinion). So it is possible to use different instruments, sound effects, reverbs, to create different atmospheres to enrich the piece.

Here are a few examples, again creating notes based on several different curves. Only the sound effects and reverbs are different, making the piece slightly richer.

Example 1 :Heart-rate-12

Example 2 :Heart-rate-62

Example 3 :Heart-rate-78

The corresponding curves are generated from the data, and then notes are created based on the curves.

3. Converting data to another simple data and then to sound.

Taking the Fibonacci Sequence as an example, in this case in order to find the uniqueness of the sound, I have converted the data into binary data, that is 0 and 1. In computers, 0 and 1 represent on and off, respectively. This uniqueness made me think that I could use the voltage level to represent on and off. I created high and low notes based on the binary data and attached a voltage controller. It makes the sound unique.

Also I am attaching music generated from binary data using a piano as an instrument.

4. Creating through AI.

Melobytes is a great site for AI creation if you are a beginner. This site not only generates music from text, but also from images and videos. After generating the music, you can also download MIDI files for secondary creation.

Below are the music and videos generated by AI: